Nelly Mendoza

Paloma Blanca - Mexican Cuisine - SA, TX

What I like about the glasses is that that it is a custom made product that nobody else have here and their customer service is great and they are very responsive!

Megan Delancelotti

Soho House UK

"Our meets were met for a recycled/rustic glassware. AURORA MEXICO's team is very responsive and easy to work with; they are able to get us needed information very quickly and the product is very consistent and reliable"

Javier Vázquez

Grupo Habita

"Descubrí que es mejor comprar productos hechos en México. La atención el precio y la calidad es lo que más me ha gustado. Años de trabajar con AURORA MÉXICO hacen que uno pueda hablar bien del proveedor. Gracias por su servicio, siempre el mejor"

Carolyn Clerkson

Bespoke Barware - UK

What I liked the most are the creative designs and quick service also the consistent quality, friendly attitude, good product. I recommend AURORA MEXICO mostly because of the speed of production & quality of goods and service!

Carlos Melendez

Coyote Crossing Restaurant - Pennsylvania

"At first we were worried about the distance, but we got excellent customer service from AURORA MEXICO. The authenticity, durability and quality of the glass are the major benefits... Keep up the good work!"

Carla Márquez

Tony Roma´s - Torreón

Lo que más me gustó fue la calidad de las copas y el que es un producto nacional y a buen precio.

Billy Morris

Axiam Inc.

"I loved the quality of the glass, the authentic look and feel. AURORA MEXICO's team is very easy to work with. We have great communication and they are quick to respond and help with any issues.  We love our relationship with AURORA MEXICO."